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 Post subject: Matty McGowin
 Post Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 1:31 pm 
Forum Fifth Year
Forum Fifth Year
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Joined: Sun May 21, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 156
Matthew “Matty” McGowin
Gender: Male
Age: (Depends on the Year at Hogwarts)
Height: Very short for his age.
Weight: Very much under the average weight for his age, but fits his height well.
Hair Color: Dark Brown.
Eye Color: Deep Green.
Heritage: Muggle-Born
Blood Type: A+
Scars: None.
Tattoos: None.
Piercings: None. “Much too painful!”

Matty, as some most of the people he knows calls him, is a rather strange, paradox of a boy. His very small, wiry stature makes him appear completely unthreatening. His hair is a dark brown, almost black, and is almost never in neat order. His eyes, rather large, are a deep green and look to you with a kind gleam. His innocence is something to be marveled, but often leaves him ‘in the dark’ about some of the more serious, mature matters that tend to arise at Hogwarts. His nose, button shaped, is probably the most attractive part of his disproportionate and odd-looking face. His jaw line is rather defined but his chin is rather pointed and doesn’t suit the rest of his body. His cheek bones are mildly bony and are situated high upon his face. His mouth is small and his lips are not too thin, but not extremely thick either.

Being a smaller framed male, he has tried to solve problems that arise from a passive mind set. He accompanies kindness and friendliness with his passive mind set to attempt to avoid confrontation and conflict at all cost. His kind manner however, has often gotten him to be a slight pushover and malleable. To attempt to keep a friendship, or avoid making an enemy, he has been known to cave in to others and disregard his own interests.

His personality suits Matty well. His ‘squeaky’ voice, even when he reaches maturity, gives him the disadvantage of not being able to be taken seriously. Another character flaw Matty has is his frequent bad luck and misfortune. Matty is also a very clumsy, bumbling person who has very little hand eye coordination, even for a boy. His constant verbal and physical slips often embarrass him to a point of becoming a violent shade of crimson.

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