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 Post subject: Hikari Toko (Endless Light)
 Post Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 3:53 pm 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year
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Joined: Sun May 27, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 2
Location: At the Akatsuki HQ,I love being evil...
~~This Bio has fan-related Naruto stuff~~

Name: Hikari Toko
Meaning: Endless light, Hikari, light. Toko, endless
Birth place: Aomori, Japan
Dad: Ayu Toko, Endless Walk. Hikari's father was a Jounin ninja from a town in the outskirts of Aomori.
Mom: Yukiko Yama Mountain Snow Child Hikari's mother was a witch-ninja housewife
Hair color:a deep, fiery red.
Eye color: a pale purple (darker than Byakugan eyes by a little)
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

Bio: Hikari's an orphan. She lived alone for quite a long time in her life. Her parents were executed because they were traitors to the Aomori Ninja Force (ANF), they were secret followers of a very dangerous ninja criminal named Yatsuromori.They died when she was around five or six.When they died, Hikari had to get used to it for a while.She would stare at the Toko House, which was her home, and think of her parents. She'd cry a little bit every once in a while, but her heart would harden with every reference to them when she turns eight. They gave very little affection to her, which led to her care-free attitude now.The ANF tried taking her in so she won't be alone, but she refused, saying she's fine and will be helped out by friends. She doesn't talk much in large crowds, and mainly avoids people she dislikes. She has an animal fetish, and spends her time sitting next to a pillar in front of the Great Hall, drawing anime looking faeries, people and animals, or sleeping in her class or in the Entrance Hall. She doesn't like acting stupid or making a fool of herself in front of people, but she plays it off with a laugh if others are laughing. She is intelligent, and uses that and her cleverness to pull pranks on people. She excels in her work, either finishing her work fast because she already knows what to do, or spends time on it, making sure that it is perfect. She is loyal to her friends, and loves revenge on enemies, which is most of the Slytherins.

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