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 Post subject: Buzzkillers
 Post Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 1:23 am 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 2356
This announcement should seem unnecessary and even common sense, but because of a few recent occurrences and a long history of such things on the mod, it's worth highlighting.

Please don't kill the mood for the other players and game masters during classes and other events. Be courteous. Stay in character. If you or your character are bored or sleepy, fall asleep quietly, rather than forcing it on everyone else in talk. If your character feels like acting out in character, be ready to allow time for an appropriate response from an already-busy game master and other players who are actually participating. Don't break character by going about your own business regardless of what is happening around your character. And by all means, if you do not want to be there, participating in the event, leave. Make an appropriate in-character exit, or even let the GM know that you're bugging out OOCly. We try very hard to keep players entertained as GMs, but any GM would rather have you leave the event in progress than disrupt things for everyone else.

Thank you.

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